-- card: 3076 from stack: in.5 -- bmap block id: 7383 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2765 -- name: Jupiter ----- HyperTalk script ----- on openCard put char 1 to 3 of second word of getJDDate() && first word of getJDDate() into he if not ((second word of he) = first word of field "date") then fetch he pass openCard end openCard on fetch he global rec put "JAN,FEB,MAR,APR,MAY,JUN,JUL,AUG,SEP,OCT,NOV,DEC" into months if he is empty then exit fetch if number of chars of he=5 then put "0" after char 4 of he -- import text put proper pathname here put "Hard Disk:Astronomy:Galilean Eclipses:" & last word of the long date into fileName repeat with month=1 to 12 if item month of months is in he then exit repeat end repeat if the shiftKey is up and number of lines of cd fld 1 ≠ 0 then select text of cd fld 1 doMenu "Clear Text" end if put month&char 5 to 6 of he into target open file fileName repeat set cursor to busy read from file fileName until "&" if it is empty then exit repeat end if delete last char of it if it contains target then exit repeat end if if target < char 4 to 7 of line 2 of it then get empty exit repeat end if end repeat put it into rec close file fileName put the number of lines of it into she if she = 0 then put "No Galilean Satellite Events for this date." into line 3 of card field 1 exit fetch end if put line 1 of it && return into card field 1 put "DATE Time(UT) SP Radii" & return into line 2 of card field 1 repeat with i=2 to she put "(not visible)" into temp put word 3 of line i of it into time put (char 1 to 2 of time+(char 4 to 5 of time)/60+24-DSTcheck()) mod 24 into time put line 3 of cd fld 1 of cd sun + .5 into str put line 4 of cd fld 1 of cd sun - .5 into sts put line 4 of fld 6 into jr put line 5 of fld 6 into js if time sts then if jr < 12 then if time js then put empty into temp end if else if time >jr or time